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Optimis : Rakyat kecil ternyata lebih peduli dan ikhlas

Optimis : Rakyat kecil ternyata lebih peduli dan ikhlas Saya sungguh mendapatkan pelajaran yang berharga pada saat membawakan program motivasi di radio beberapa hari yang lalu. Tamu saya pada acara tersebut adalah beberapa orang ibu-ibu dan beberapa orang anak seusia sekolah SMP dan SMA. Ibu-ibu tersebut ternyata adalah warga biasa, bukan orang kaya, bisa jadi termarjinalkan, tetapi memiliki kegiatan sejak tahun 80 an yang dengan ikhlas dan tanpa kenal lelah membantu anak-anak yatim piatu dan yang mengalami masalah social lainnya. Ketika sesi diskusi dan Tanya jawab, sangat tercermin dari seorang ibu yang disebut Bunda oleh anak-anak asuhnya itu, sebuah semangat kepedulian yang dalam serta ikhlas untuk menyelamatkan akhlak anak-anak yang keluarganya mengalami masalah social. Anak-anak dididik budi pekerti dan akhlaknya dan diupayakan harus dapat meneruskan sekolah sesuai usianya. Di bawah wadah Pondok Mutiara Bunda yang bertempat di rumahnya, bertahun-tahun digunakan sebagai Ruham Sing

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Popular Post Plugin

Popular Post Plugin This plugin will display popular post in your sidebars, or anywhere where you want to put this plugin. The popular post will be determined by pageviews. This plugin would work easier for those who will use it dynamically with the widget in the admin panel. If you want to include this somewhere else other than the sidebar of the template, you can still do it. I have added a very useful article to Balkhis which shows How to add Dynamic Sidebar in wordpress . Basically follow that tutorial, if you want to display it in some other place than your sidebar, but want to use the widget area in the admin panel. All what you would have to do is paste the last code discussed in that tutorial anywhere on the template for instance footer or whatnot. Once you have done that, Download the plugin Upload the plugin, Activate it. Go to your Themes section and click on the sub menu that says Widgets. Add this widget into your selected sidebar, and customize it. You are good to go. Now

Displaying the Most Popular Posts in the Sidebar

Displaying the Most Popular Posts in the Sidebar Posted by User ImageArtur Kim in WordPress Tutorials This tutorial assumes that you already know how to install plugins. There are other ways to obtain the same result, but I’m providing step-by-step instructions according to how I’ve done it in this blog: 1. Download the Popularity Contest plugin by Alex King; 2. Edit the file popularity-contest.php: 3. On line 39 (@define('AKPC_SHOWPOP', 1);), change it to 0 to not show each post’s popularity with the post content; 4. On line 49 (@define('AKPC_SHOWHELP', 1);), change it to 0 as well to not show the little [?] that links to the explanation of what the popularity means; 5. Install the Popularity Contest plugin; 6. Popularity values can be changed in the Popularity Contest Options (Options>Popularity); 7. Install the JAW Popular Posts Widget plugin by Thomas Watson Steen; 8. Drag and drop the widget called “Popular Posts” to the desired sidebar

WordPress Tip: Always Remove the WordPress Version Code

WordPress Tip: Always Remove the WordPress Version Code I talked a couple of weeks ago about the importance of always upgrading your WordPress install, as old WordPress installations are often vulnerable. One thing I don’t think people realize is that a hacker can easily find vulnerable WordPress blogs because most standard WordPress themes will actually tell them what version you are using. If you open up the header.php file of your theme, you should notice some code that looks something like this: "KSDmeta name="generator" content="WordPress KSDttphp bloginfo('version'); ttKSB" /KSBKSDKSD!-- leave this for stats --KSB In order to protect your WordPress installation, I recommend people completely remove this code from their header.php file for all of their WordPress blogs. Now, this obviously isn’t going to make your WordPress blog hack proof, but what it will do is make it so hackers can’t easily locate your blog if it is using a vulnerable WordPress

error : akpc_most_popular()

Fatal error: Call to undefined function akpc_most_popular() in /home/beritas/public_html/wp-content/themes/newsportal/index.php on line 8 Baris tsb diganti saja dg : if (function_exists(’akpc_most_popular’)) { akpc_most_popular($limit = 3); } ?>